Thursday, May 28, 2015


Iranian cartoon features Netanyahu leading Islamic State New exhibition asked cartoonists to mock ISIS; among the works are cartoons criticizing US and Israel's 'help' in ISIS rise to power.

Sources: US defense aid to Israel to rise over Iran deal fears Israeli and American officials say they expect assistance to increase to more than $3.5 billion annually after 2017, possibly to assuage fears over nuclear deal.

Al Qaeda is Moderate? The West Isn't Buying It Nusra Front chief's rare TV interview meant to convince the West his group is a legitimate political actor in Syria - anyone believe him?

Iran and Turkey Spar over Syria No-fly Zone Turkey has demanded zone as condition to stage US-led airstrikes, but pro-Assad Iranian deputy FM says it would be 'a mistake.'

Muslim Scholars: Israel is "Root Cause" of all Islamic nations' failures Muslim clerics gathered in Beirut on Wednesday to kick off the Khomeinist International Union of Resistance conference, where "scholars" discussed how to stand up against the "cancerous tumor of Israel," according to reports from Lebanese and Iranian media outlets.

Despite gains, stalwart enemies may soon decide ISIS limits In both Iraq and Syria, Islamic State victories have also brought on more adamant opponents who have struck significant blows against the caliphate and carved out their own fiefdoms.

Drill Next Week Will Simulate Total War Israelis will practice bomb shelter routine on Tuesday, in drill simulating massive missile fire on population centers, infrastructures.

'Should the UK remain a member of the EU?' UK voters will be asked to decide if their country should remain in the EU, according to the bill setting out terms for the in/out referendum.

Revealed: British schoolgirls groomed by specialist Islamic State unit A senior female Islamic State commander who left the terror group has claimed it has a specialised social media grooming unit, where fighters work in shifts to radicalise vulnerable young people online.

Ya'alon: We Will Not Tolerate Threats to Israel Defense Minister says Israel's airstrike on terrorist infrastructures in Gaza makes clear it has no intention of ignoring rocket fire.

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