Friday, September 15, 2006


EU talks on Palestinian embargo European Union foreign ministers are due to meet to discuss the aid embargo on the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority.

Giora Eiland: Iran will get nuclear bomb Iran will not be deterred from its nuclear program and will ultimately reach a nuclear capability.

Islamic History Expert: Moslem Peace with Israel? Never! Islam History Professor Moshe Sharon of Hebrew University told a counter-terrorism conference Thursday, "There is no possibility of peace between Israel and the Palestinians whatsoever - ever."

US moves to scuttle Arab plan for international peace conference The US is trying to block attempts by Arab countries to turn the UN Security Council into a key player in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Pope criticised over Islam remarks Muslim scholars and religious leaders have criticised Pope Benedict XVI for his remarks about Islam.

Two US Congressmen urge Olmert not to restrict rate of Ethiopian aliya Two American congressmen are urging Prime Minister Ehud Olmert not to reduce the number of Ethiopians coming to Israel each month.

Nationalists rally in Moscow Nationalist activists have held a rally in Moscow to demand the tightening of registration rules for migrants.

IDF: Egypt not stopping smuggling While Egypt is making efforts to stop the smuggling of arms into the Gaza Strip, at least one ton of explosives is being conveyed across the Sinai border Gaza each month.

Analysis: Israel army in disarray over war failures A general resigns, a colonel is disciplined and a military command battered by an unrelenting storm of criticism.

Ukraine to stay on pro-EU course, new leader says Ukraine prime minister Viktor Yanukovych has said his country wants closer relations with the EU but is putting membership of NATO on hold for the moment.