Thursday, May 31, 2007


* Jordan: Stop Temple Mount digging A Jordanian official called on Israel Wednesday to stop archaeological excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem.

* Poll: Israelis Finished With Withdrawals A poll carried out by the Knesset channel found a majority of Israelis want no more withdrawals from parts of the Land of Israel.

* Israel to ready public for 'all-out war' With Iran racing toward nuclear power and IDF preparations for the possibility of a conflict with Syria and Hizbullah in high gear, the Home Front Command plans to launch a publicity campaign.

* UN approves Hariri murder court The UN Security Council has approved the creation of an international court to try suspects in the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

* Top official: Israel mulling renewing Syria peace talks Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is exploring the possibility of renewing peace talks with Syria.

* Iran links Iraq and nuclear issue A senior Iranian official has said that direct Iran-US talks about security in Iraq will have an impact on the dispute over Iran's nuclear program.

* 'Arms race' warning over US shield US plans to erect a missile defence system in former Soviet-bloc countries is reigniting a Cold War-style arms race.

* Russians Bidding for Control in Downtown Jerusalem If current negotiations with the Russians succeed, a large complex in central Jerusalem will be handed over to control of the Russian government.

* Turkey troops head to Iraq border Turkey has sent large contingents of soldiers, tanks, guns and armored personnel carriers to reinforce its border with Iraq.

* Public Figures Express Regret For Disengagement The Yesha Council of Judea, Samaria and Gaza communities has published a collection of statements by public figures who supported or helped implement the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza.