Friday, January 16, 2015


Turkish premier says Israeli 'provocations' radicalizing Muslim world In a Reuters interview, Davutoglu said peace in the Middle East and the eradication of extremist groups would be virtually impossible without the establishment of a Palestinian state.

ICC launches initial inquiry into potential war crimes in Palestinian territories Lieberman slams 'anti-Israel' decision after prosecutor at The Hague says preliminary probe opened into alleged violations will be 'independent and impartial'.

Israel Allows Gazans to Pray at Al-Aqsa 185 Palestinian Arabs from Gaza allowed by Israeli authorities to travel to Jerusalem for Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Nasrallah: Hezbollah Can Conquer the Galilee If We Want Hezbollah chief says revelations that a Mossad spy infiltrated his group's upper echelons hadn't harmed its capabilities.

Netanyahu denounces ICC, says war crimes probe 'proves it is part of the problem' Premier releases statement hours after The Hague announces inquiry into war crimes allegedly committed by Israel and Palestinian rejectionist groups.

Churches torched, Christian-owned shops raided by Muslims in Niger Police in the former French colony's southern town of Zinder fired tear gas on a crowd of hundreds of people as tires burned in the streets.

David Cameron and Barack Obama in anti-terror push David Cameron: "Britain and America face threats to national security by people who hate what our countries stand for"

US Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage The US Supreme Court will rule this year on whether gay couples have a right to marry across all states.

* 'Boy Who Came Back From Heaven actually didn't; books recalled Tyndale House, a major Christian publisher, has announced that it will stop selling 'The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven,' by Alex Malarkey and his father, Kevin Malarkey.

EU commission backs passport confiscation of jihadist suspects The European Commission has endorsed national plans to seize travel documents of suspected jihadists.