Tuesday, September 23, 2014


* US launches first strikes in Syria, kill, wound tens of IS fighters The United States and its partners carried out at least 50 air strikes on Islamic State targets in the Syrian provinces of Raqqa and Deir al-Zor on Tuesday.

* Al-Qaida-Affiliated Group Was in 'Final Stages' of Planning Attacks Against the West The United States Central Command said Tuesday morning that American forces hit the Khorasan Group near Aleppo to stop "imminent attack-planning against the United States and Western interests."

* ISIS Spokesman: 'We Will Burn Your Crosses and Enslave Your Women' The Islamic State released an audio recording of spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani encouraging Muslims in America, Canada, France, and Australia to murder non-believers.

* Expert: ISIS Changing the Entire Middle East Islamic State (IS or ISIS) is changing the Middle East, Middle Eastern affairs expert Dr. Eldad Pardo told Arutz Sheva Tuesday - and the Arab world's response to it will ripple into Israeli foreign relations as well.

* Israel downs Syrian fighter jet over Golan Heights A Syrian fighter jet which apparently strayed into Israeli-controlled airspace over the occupied Golan Heights has been shot down by Israel.

* IS strikes: Not America's fight alone - Obama President Obama has hailed the support of Arab nations in air strikes on Islamic State (IS) militants, saying: "This is not America's fight alone."

* 'Israel the Only Place in Middle East Where Christians are Safe' Greek Orthodox priest Father Gabriel Nadaf, a leader of the Aramaean Christian minority in Israel, spoke before the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Tuesday in a strong show of support for the Jewish state.

* Americans Have Returned After Joining Islamists, US Admits The White House believes some Americans who have fought for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (IS or ISIS) and other groups have returned to the US, an unnamed Obama administration official admitted for the first time Monday.

* Obama will meet with Netanyahu, Sisi and Abadi US President Barack Obama will meet with Iraq's new prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi during the United Nations General Assembly in New York this week.

* Abbas to propose new Mideast peace talks timetable at UN Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas vowed Monday to present a new timetable for peace talks with Israel when he addresses world leaders at the United Nations this week.