Friday, September 23, 2016


Russian-Syrian Aleppo tactics await the South  In scores of air raids launched early Friday, Sept. 23, Syrian and Russian bombers pulverized Syrian rebel strongholds in eastern Aleppo, while, on the ground, Syrian military, Hizballah and pro-Iranian Shiite militia forces hammered those targets in one of the most destructive onslaughts yet seen in the nearly six-day Syrian civil war. 

Top Military Officer: Bad Idea to Share Syria Intelligence With Russians  Moscow takes center stage at hearing on American national security challenges. 

Netanyahu invites Abbas to speak at Knesset in UN speech  PM invites Abbas to address Knesset, slams "moral farce" of UN at speech to United Nations General Assembly; says "road to peace runs through Jerusalem and Ramallah, not New York." 

Syria conflict: Aleppo pounded as military presses offensive  Warplanes have continued to pound the northern city of Aleppo, as Syria's military presses ahead with its new offensive to retake rebel-held areas. 

Did WW3 Just break out in the Middle-East ?  Attacks on US Tentacles are Timed to Clinton's Crash. 

Quartet calls Israel out for ongoing settlement activity  'The real settlements Palestinians are after are Haifa, Jaffa and Tel Aviv,' Netanyahu declared. 

Netanyahu's Explosive Speech to the UN  In a dramatic speech on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly, openly confronting them with their blatant bias against Israel while holding out his hand in friendship. 

Palestinians: "The Mafia of Destruction"  Question: How do Palestinian patients obtain permits to receive medical treatment in Israeli and other hospitals around the world? Answer: By paying bribes to senior Palestinian officials in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 

Israel convinced EU will keep Hamas on its terror list  Israel convinced that the European Union will keep Hamas on Europe's terror list despite legal opinion to remove it.