Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Netanyahu: 'Hypocritical' War on Terror Will Fail PM hits back at Erdogan's attack on his attendance at Paris counter-terror rally, demands world denounce 'shameful remarks.'

Israel to Europe: We Warned You Israel's outspoken embassy in Ireland this week again stirred the pot with a post to its Twitter feed reminding Europe that the Jewish state had warned it about failing to take seriously enough the threat of radical Islam.

Prominent Rabbi Calls on Europe to Allow Jews to Carry Guns Following last week's deadly attacks in Paris, Rabbi Menachem Margolin urges EU gov'ts to allow special gun permits for Jews.

Hamas Blackmail: Pay for Rebuilding or Face Gaza Extremism Hamas makes ironic demand, warning delay in aid that is used to rebuild terror tunnels may make Gaza ripe for 'extremism and terrorism.'

Nasrallah: Israel can't even imagine Hezbollah's weapons arsenal Hezbollah chief says that the Shi'ite group has arms Israel isn't aware of.

Jerusalem cleric, Muslim world slam publishing of new Charlie Hebdo cartoons Muslim leaders call new cartoons an unnecessary provocation and sign of disrespect.

RADICAL IMAM ANJEM CHOUDARY CALLS CHARLIE HEBDO FRONT PAGE 'ACT OF WAR' Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has called the latest front cover of Charlie Hebdo an 'act of war' against Muslims. 

* 'US Consulate in Jerusalem arming Palestinian guards' Israeli report says developments violate agreements; guards say the chief security officer is establishing 'a militia'.

Jewish Home 'Messianic', Says Ex-Candidate It did not take Batya Kahana-Dror long to attack the party viciously after bowing out of the primaries.

Senate bill seeks to force embassy move to Jerusalem Legislation is opening salvo as Republican lawmakers look to use Congress to challenge Obama's foreign policy.

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