Friday, September 11, 2020


 Erdogan: ‘We are not a society that has an army – we are a nation that is itself an army’ Where is that army going? Erdogan gives a hint: “Do the people of Greece accept what will happen to them because of their greedy and incompetent leaders?

How a rush for Mediterranean gas threatens to push Greece and Turkey into war An increasingly fractious standoff over access to gas reserves has transformed a dispute between Turkey and Greece that was once primarily over Cyprus into one that now ensnares Libya, Israel, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, and feeds into other political issues in the Mediterranean and has raised fears of a naval conflict between the two Nato allies in the Aegean Sea.

Trump expected to announce historic Bahrain-Israel normalization agreement Trump said on Thursday it was possible another country could soon join a diplomatic accord between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

The 'Merchants of the Palestinian Issue' Many Gulf citizens described the Palestinian leaders as "merchants of the Palestinian issue" and accused them of financial corruption and embezzlement of public funds.

Trump expected to announce Bahrain will join UAE in normalizing ties with Israel Two sources tell Times of Israel that announcement expected later Friday; small island kingdom long believed to be next in line to establish ties with Jewish state.

Israeli installation of loudspeakers in Al-Aqsa Mosque compound stokes concern Jordan, the custodian of Christian and Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem, has denounced the move as a 'provocation'.

Waqf using site of Jewish Temple as garbage dump A video shows an Arab worker for the Waqf (Muslim religious authority) unloading the refuse from a street-cleaning vehicle onto an area where the women’s section of the Temple once stood.

China Is Like ‘Nazi Germany’, Say British MPs Who Allege Systematic ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of the Uyghurs A group of 130 British politicians have compared the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution and systematic “ethnic cleansing” of the Uyghur Muslim population in Xinjiang to “Nazi Germany”.

The Church of QAnon: Will conspiracy theories form the basis of a new religious movement? Followers of the QAnon movement believe in wild and dangerous conspiracy theories about U.S. President Donald Trump. Now a faction within the movement has been interpreting the Bible through QAnon conspiracies.

State of Theology: Evangelicals Hold Steady on Doctrine, More Outspoken on Politics In the latest survey of Americans’ theological views, evangelicals stood out for their love of their Savior and Scripture, but like the rest of the country, they still have significant gaps in belief and interpretation.

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