Thursday, November 29, 2018


Because of Nearness to Christmas, Many American Jews Observe Hanukkah It takes less time to prepare than Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles (Succot); is happier than Rosh Hashana; and it certainly doesn't leave you hungry like Yom Kippur.

Trump scheduled to meet Putin at G20, Kremlin document says US president heads to Argentina poised for possible conflict with Russia over Black Sea naval clash and with China over trade.

CNN Commentator: 'Free Palestine From the River to the Sea' Hill accused Israel of denying "citizenship rights and due process to Palestinians just because they are not Jewish," and expressed his support for the BDS movement.

Russia, Turkey and Iran hold talks on Syria in Astana Moscow is pushing for breakthrough on UN constitutional committee that it can sell to the West.

Anti-Semitism Part of the War of Gog and Magog Says End Times Rabbi In an interview earlier this week, End of Days expert Rabbi Mendel Kessin told radio talk show host Tamar Yonah of Israel News Talk Radio that anti-Semitism is a signal that God is accelerating the end times.

Why is the U.S. in the Middle East? Jerusalem wants to see the US engaged, influential and active in the region. It doesn't want to see it disengaged and concerned only about its own domestic problems.

Iranian air freighters now routed to Beirut instead of Syrian air bases Day by day at least one, if not two, Iranian transport aircraft, are landing at Beirut international airport in the past week, DEBKAfile's military sources report.

'On This Day,' Anniversary of Death of Eliezer Ben Yehuda Nechemya bemoans the fact that in seventy years of exile the Jews of his generation forgot how to speak Hebrew.

Netanyahu: Still Israel's Preferred Leader Why none of the other party leaders are fit to be prime minister.

2,000-year-old ring engraved with 'Pilate' may have belonged to notorious ruler Uncovered 50 years ago at the Herodian palace near Bethlehem, a simple copper-alloy ring is now given a good cleaning - and second look by skeptical scholars.

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