Thursday, February 22, 2018


US Congressmen Detained and Searched After Temple Mount Visit Two US Congressman ascended the Temple Mount on Thursday to "experience the site in the same manner as the Jews do," and most definitely, they succeeded.

Erdogan vows to recapture all lands once held by the Ottoman Empire - and more "We say at every opportunity we have that Syria, Iraq and other places in the geography [map] in our hearts are no different from our own homeland."

Moscow brokers provisional Turkish-Syrian truce in Afrin An armed clash between the Turkish and Syrian armies over the disputed Afrin enclave was narrowly averted this week by Russian intervention.

PM confidant's plea bargain shakes the ground under Netanyahu's feet The corruption probes and "revelations" swirling around the prime minister are becoming a political threat - even without indictments.

Clay Seal of Isaiah Found But Mystery Remains A prominent Israeli archaeologist announced this week her discovery of a clay seal bearing the Hebrew name of Isaiah which may very well have belonged to the Biblical prophet.

Hamas: Turkey's Longtime Love Erdogan's ideological love affair with Hamas is obligatory for all Islamists in this part of the world, and they do not tend to forget it.

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