Thursday, July 30, 2015


Why is Muslim harassment of Jews on the Temple Mount increasing? The most practical solution is for police to enforce a policy that restricts Muslim mobs from coming within 20 meters of Jewish visitors to the Mount, one activist claims.

Turkey's dangerous gambit The statement issued by the North Atlantic Council on Tuesday (28 July) said little but was still unable to hide the disunity within Nato.

Foreign Ministry calls Sunni Arab states 'Israel's allies' Director General of the Foreign Ministry claimed that Israel's interests and those of countries like Saudi Arabia, are aligned against those of Iran.

Syria Skeptical About Turkey's Efforts to Fight ISIS Syria's foreign ministry says it is skeptical that Turkey is genuine in its efforts to fight ISIS.

US 'deeply concerned' about approval of new settlement homes State Department urges Jerusalem 'to refrain from unhelpful actions' after Netanyahu green-lights 300 units in Beit El, Jerusalem.

Facebook now used by half of world's online users Half of the world's estimated online population now check in to the social networking giant Facebook at least once a month.

PLO Official Denounces Israeli Construction as 'War Crimes' PLO's Hanan Ashrawi says Israel destroying the two-state solution with construction plans in Beit El and Jerusalem.

Revealed: The secret plan to turn the Gaza disengagement into a coordinated peace effort Published here for the first time is a proposal for 're-engagement' negotiated in Europe just before 2005's unilateral withdrawal. PM Sharon politely rejected it; Hamas seized Gaza two years later.

Hamas calls for 'revolt' against Palestinian Authority PA crackdown on Islamic activists in West Bank serves Israel, amounts to 'high treason,' says Gaza group.

Nets Covered Cecil The Lion More In 1 Day Than Abortion Videos In 2 Weeks According to the Media Research Center, in just one day, the various broadcast networks' news programs have already given the death of Cecil the Lion more coverage than two weeks of videos that appear to show Planned Parenthood senior officials ghoulishly trafficking illegally in dead baby parts:

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