Friday, April 24, 2015


Ongoing tensions over Temple Mount stoked by Jordanian-funded carpet Renovation renews concerns among archeologists, religious groups of Muslim indifference and destruction of Jewish antiquities at contested holy site.

Uplifting end to the 2015 March of the Living Participants experience what Jewish sovereignty means - that redemption of sorts is forthcoming.

Mideast arms sales surging to record $18b in 2015, with Saudis in lead As Western nations boost supplies to their allies in the region, analysts warn of destabilizing effects; US is biggest exporter, Israel is 7th.

Most Americans unhappy with US handling of Iran, terror Fox News survey finds 51% believe Obama administration "too soft" on Tehran; over 60% say US fight against Islamic extremism going badly.

Arab Citizens Mourn 'Catastrophe' on Independence Day As Israel celebrates 67, thousands of Arab citizens take to Galilee to protest the existence of their state on Independence Day.

Al-Qaida suspects may have been targeting Vatican, Italian prosecutor says Police conduct raids across Italy targeting 18 people suspected of links with al-Qaida.

Afghanistan's 'Jihad' Museum 'For the Sake of Peace' Herat museum glorifies the 'martyrs' of the Soviet-Afghanistan war; organizers claim 'jihad' focus is to encourage peace.

EU to target migrant smugglers EU leaders on Thursday (23 April) declared war on migrant smugglers and promised to triple the monthly budget of the EU's sea surveillance mission, Triton.

Words speak louder than guns "In war, avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak", Sun Tzu said.

Former Commander: Next War With Hamas By End of 2015 Hamas's neglect of common Palestinians is riling up popular support for another war, says former IDF Southern Command chief.

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