Monday, July 30, 2012


* Syria conflict: UN says 200,000 have fled Aleppo battle Some 200,000 people have fled intense fighting in Syria's second city Aleppo in the past two days, the UN has said.

* Singing, Yearning in Lamentations at the Western Wall A night of grieving, a night of unity as the people of Israel came together to yearn for what was, and what is yet to be.

* Barak: No One Dares Attack Israel with Chemical Weapons "No element in the world would dare attack Israel with chemical weapons," says Defense Minister.

* Scalia opens door for gun-control legislation, extends slow burning debate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Sunday the Second Amendment leaves open the possibility of gun-control legislation, adding to what has become a slow-boiling debate on the issue since the Colorado movie theater massacre earlier this month.

Apollo Moon flags still standing, images show Images taken by a Nasa spacecraft show that the American flags planted in the Moon's soil by Apollo astronauts are mostly still standing.

* DHS gears up for civil unrest prior to presidential elections The Department of Homeland Security has ordered masses of riot gear equipment to prepare for potential significant domestic riots at the Republican National Convention, Democratic National Convention and next year's presidential inauguration.

* Remains of Jews Massacred on Temple Mount Found? Journalist shows video of mass grave just outside eastern wall of Temple Mount.

* Saeb Erekat: Romney Harms US Interests in Middle East Romney's "rewarding occupation, settlement and extremism" is "harmful to American interests", charges PA negotiator.

* Hamas TV Issues Video Response to Temple Video Hamas TV and another anti-Israel group make their own versions of the successful Temple Institute video.

* Panetta says sanctions haven't yet worked in Iran U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is acknowledging that international sanctions have not achieved their aim of compelling Iran to rein in its nuclear ambitions. 

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