Thursday, July 26, 2012


* Egypt's President Insulted Over Video: 'The Children are Ready' Arab media are expressing the view that an innocent video prepared to mark a holy Jewish fast day was actually secretly intended as an insult to newly-elected Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.

* Temple Institute Responds: Video is Fresh Perspective A video produced by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, has apparently turned the Arab world upside down.

* 'Muslim Brothers plotting overthrow of Gulf states' Dubai's chief of police has warned of an "international plot" to overthrow the governments of Gulf Arab countries.

* Barak Warns Israel Ready to Go It Alone on Iran Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned Wednesday that Jerusalem is "committed to doing everything it can in order to stop Iran from going nuclear."

* PA thanks IOC for refusing Munich victims memorial The Palestinian Authority has thanked the International Olympic Committee [IOC] for refusing to allow a minute's silence at the opening ceremony in London.

* Dayan's NYT Op-Ed: Settlements Are the Solution, Not Problem Judea and Samaria Communities Council (Yesha Council) head Danny Dayan writes this week in a op-ed for the New York Times that a two-state "solution" is no solution at all.

* After delays, massive US bunker-buster available In face of possible military intervention in Syria and a strike against Iran, the United States has announced that its largest bunker-buster missile capable of penetrating underground facilities is operational.

* Facebook, Google, eBay and Amazon join US lobby group Google, Facebook, Amazon and eBay are joining forces to create a powerful pro-internet lobbying group in the US.

* Iran Pledges to Deploy Warships in the Atlantic For the second time in less than a year, Iran's top naval commander has said Iranian Navy vessels will soon be plying the Atlantic Ocean.

* The News From Europe on the Economy Is Universally Depressing The bad news has been coming thick and fast in the European debt crisis. Moody's, the rating agency, has rated both Germany and the European bailout funds negative.

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