Monday, January 15, 2007


Talks for Rice, Olmert and Abbas US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas are to meet soon for a three-way summit.

US 'will deal' with Iran in Iraq George Bush, the US president, has warned Tehran that if any Iranians are caught in Iraq "we will deal with them".

Saddam Hussein's top aides hanged Two of Saddam Hussein's key aides have been hanged in Baghdad, two weeks after the chaotic execution of the former Iraqi president.

Iranian, Nicaraguan leaders meet, vow to work together Iran's hardline president expanded his courtship of allies in his standoff with Washington on Sunday.

Euro displaces dollar in bond markets The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world's pre-eminent currency in international bond markets.

Israel Seeking Builders for West Bank The government on Monday published plans to build 44 homes in Israel's largest West Bank settlement.

Temple Aqueduct and Ritual Bath Excavated Opposite Temple Mount Excavations being conducted opposite the Western Wall Plaza have uncovered an aqueduct that brought water to the Holy Temple, as well as a ritual bath from that period.

Egypt to launch first spy satellite Egypt is expected to launch its first spy satellite into outer space on Tuesday.

Rice: UN sanctions on Iran 'not enough' Talk of a military strike against Iran shows how serious it would be for the Iranians to continue down the path of nuclear development.

Nasrallah: Israeli-Syrian pact unrealistic Hizbullha's leader Hassan Nasrallah estimated that Syria and Israel are not expected to sign a peace agreement in the near future.

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