Wednesday, January 03, 2007


US: Pat Robertson prophesies 'mass killing' In what has become an annual tradition of prognostications, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said Tuesday God has told him that a terrorist attack on the United States would result in "mass killing" late in 2007.

Iraq's PM longs to leave office Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has made clear he dislikes being the country's leader and would prefer to leave the job before his term ends.

EU-US trade ties high on German presidency agenda German chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed to push for closer economic co-operation between the EU and the US.

Kenyans close border with Somalia Kenya has shut its border with Somalia and will not allow more refugees into the country, says its foreign minister.

Fatah official: Hamas training in Iran, Lebanon Hamas members have been flying to Iran and Lebanon for advanced military training with Iranian Revolutionary guard units and Hizbullah militants.

Fatah man killed in shootout with Hamas A 25-year-old Palestinian was shot and killed in the northern Gaza Strip Wednesday afternoon.

Official Held in Saddam Hanging Video The person believed to have recorded Saddam Hussein's raucous execution on a cell phone camera was arrested Wednesday, an adviser to Iraq's prime minister said.

Sudan: Secretary-General Pledges to Give Resolution of Darfur Crisis His 'Highest Attention' Describing the Darfur crisis as one of his top priorities in office, the new Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced plans today to enter immediately into diplomatic efforts to end the bloodshed in the Sudanese region.

Poll: Most Israelis unsatisfied with Olmert's performance Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has reason to worry. According to a poll taken by the Dahaf Institute for the Knesset Channel, 77 percent of Israel is dissatisfied with Olmert's performance as prime minister.

Three new languages added to the official EU list Having just rung in the new year, the European Union has not only become bigger but it has also become three languages richer.

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