Saturday, October 21, 2006


Palestinian FM: Israel is an abomination that will disappear Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar of Hamas said Friday that Israel is an abomination in the Middle East that will some day disappear.

Geologist: Earth has lots and lots of oil A University of Washington economic geologist says there is lots of crude oil left for human use.

Rice says North Korea seeks to escalate crisis Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice cast doubt on Saturday on reports North Korea had pledged to stop nuclear tests, saying it seemed bent instead on escalating the crisis.

Israel must prepare for Iran to push the button Iranian president said earlier there is no reason for Israel "the greatest insult to human dignity" to exist and it would soon disappear.

Egypt's Mubarak blames Muslims for faith's bad image Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak questioned on Thursday whether Muslims had done enough to change the West's "wrong perceptions" about Islam, which he said was under "ferocious attack".

Bush consults top Iraq generals US President George W Bush is holding a video conference with his senior generals in Iraq to discuss the escalating violence there.

UK a prime target for al-Qaida cells Al-Qaida has become much more sophisticated and organized and the UK is the terror organization's prime target according to British counter-terrorism experts.

Calm returns to southern Iraqi city Calm has returned to the southern Iraqi city of Amara after two days of violent clashes between government security forces and Shia fighters

Four killed at Baghdad mosque Four people were killed when a bomber blew himself up outside Baghdad's Baratha mosque, one of the city's most important Shia sites and a frequent target of attacks.

Yesha Council Negotiations Bringing Internal Debate to Surface Reports of a secret meeting between the Yesha Council's Ze'ev ("Zambish") Hever and Defense Minister Amir Peretz have reawakened the debate within Judea and Samaria regarding the council's actions.

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