Friday, June 30, 2006


Hamas in Damascus: Israel not serious about negotiating Israel is not serious about negotiating for the release of a kidnapped Israeli soldier, but is playing for time while trying to discover where he's being held.

Website posts Bin Laden audio tape An audio tape reportedly of Osama bin Laden praising Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the former leader of al -Qaeda in Iraq, has been posted on a website.

UNSC to discuss renewed Gaza violence The United Nations Security Council was scheduled to convene on Friday night (Israel time) to discuss the recent escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Rabbis to Bush: Don't back West Bank withdrawal A group of prominent rabbis is calling on President Bush to refuse political and financial support for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's plan to evacuate most of Judea and Samaria.

Somali Islamic militia claims total authority The Muslim leaders who rule much of southern Somalia claimed authority throughout the country Thursday.

Mid-East 'learns oil-boom lesson' The Middle East has learned lessons from the past and is enjoying the current oil boom with restraint.

Cardinal fears Church could face court on abortion The Catholic Church could one day be prosecuted for its right-to-life stance by some countries where abortion is considered a woman's right.

Fatah official: Hamas brought violence It was Hamas who brought these actions upon the Palestinian people.

Google Aims to Speed the Online Checkout Line In its quest to "organize the world's information," Google now wants to keep track of your credit card number and where you live.

Yonatan Bassi: Go slow on realignment On his last day in office, Disengagement Authority head Yonatan Bassi, had two words of advice for Prime Minister Olmert should he evacuate more territory: "Go slow.

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